Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Ah, Pets...: Retroactive Post

Lord, it's been a while...

Anyway today I just had to write about my run-in with an adorable little stray. Luther and I were leaving the school to go out to lunch at the Chinese guy's AKA Mr. Wong's (though that isn't even it's real name), which is a pretty rare occasion these days, when we hear a mewing noise coming from near the entrance of the school. We make a quick turn on our bikes and see a tiny little grayish-cream kitten meowing its heart out next to one of the pillars at the front of the school.

We stop and pet it briefly, but even that short bit of attention seemed to have endeared us to him/her because when we went to leave, it started following us. I tried to bike, but it wasn't deterred. We couldn't take it with us in our bike baskets, and we were afraid that if we let it follow us, it might get run over by a car on the street. Eventually Luther had to pick it up and let me get a head-start on my bike, drop it off near the bushes at the entrance and then try to make his own getaway. Even so, the poor thing managed to get back to the sidewalk and we had no choice but to leave the thing staring at us in despondence.

I decided to get an extra order of gyozas for takeout and bring some back for the poor thing in case it was still wandering around. We got back to school and heard it mewing near the bus stop. Luther didn't think it was old enough to eat solid food, but after I managed to get it near enough to the gyoza filling that I had taken out of its wrapper, it ate it up. I left it another one and then we decided we had to go...

I didn't know what else I could do for it, especially since I: 1) don't know if I'm even allowed to keep a pet at my apartment, 2) don't know a thing about raising a cat and 3) will be leaving for America in a little over a week. Still, it would've been nice to finally have a pet.

Anyway, where-ever you are little nekko-chan, I hope you stay safe and find a good home.

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